Sorry to bump but this is important. I met iGotUrPistola in the MLG playlist and even HE said he prefered Guard to Heretic. So the pro/s prefer...
Pistola. I think this man is second to none ATM. T2. Gotta love his backsmacks "WOOOOO". Cloud. What this man can do in a BR battle low sheilds...
yo pegasi whats happening with the holitage if ive missed ill be pissed but if not HURRY UP :L:P kiddin
np bud love the profile colours :L:)
sorry bout that ill do it now :D hmm do u like orange?
Urban may I just say your map Pyrokenetic is amazing. I played in the custom with Joe and Ace etc and I didn't know who's it was. 5* buddy :)
BOX CAT. I love that shot :D I love how scenic it is. I would hang that on my wall anyday
Kid youve done it again another fantastic switch. Great to see you've made it compact. I COULD forge around this with permission OFC. :D great work 5*
DRiSCOLL's is soooooo cool :L [IMG] i dl'ed the pic obv ;L my gimp/photoshop skills are non existibubbles :L
1.Sandbox 2.Foundry 3.Standoff 4.Rats Nest 5.Blackout
Name: Bring the rain Kills: 13 Effect: 4 Sentry are placed on the outskirts which rain shots for 45 secs
Ideal Class: Sniping Barrett .50cal Red Tiger + ACOG + FMJ .44 Magnum + Tac Knife + FMJ Bling Pro Stopping Power Pro Steady Aim Pro Copy Cat...
hey if you want ill help ill save numerous versions and recomend them to you hook me up tL BennyBhoy x
id help you my brain>ability tbh add tL BennyBhoy x and ill tell you some of my ideas
BENNNNNNNN:D its tL BennyBhoy x from the customs. Forgot to add you :S I'll hook you up later.
NICKKKK!!!!!!!! Messenger?
SIGGED :L. Meh sounds like a good idea, if done properlly, if not it will be recreating an already bad map. Take some ideas from the thread and...
Erhm I'm making a MLG training map and was wondering if their is a switch that could close a door a specifc time after picking up a power up?...
Damn that looks SHEKSIIIII. Damn your teaserness :L cant wait for it. Possible MechAssualt map pack? Just an idea
Props on what you have, very realistic. Maybe some mountains/hills on the right side?