This is something I made using Photoshop Elements and a pencil and paper for the Sonic pic. Cnc please: [IMG]
This is a good idea, not the most original but good.I can see you know how to interlock but you are too lazy to apply it to an entire map, am I...
thats actually quite great :D not just cause there scottish :L heres mine YouTube- DJ Earworm - United State of Pop 2008 (Viva La Pop) - Mashup...
damn this looks amazing. The wall in the middle is breath taking and I love the kind of Gears of War feel to the fountains. Ill rate on gameplay...
I'll sign up :D just add tL BennyBhoy x im 13 but uber mature :L teehee if i lagg up ill look at a wall for the whole of the game
Ok not trying to piss on your parade but I can see many areas which ARENT merged so your cockyness is slightly miss placed. Onto the map, it seems...
This is the definition of pimp :D. I love these kind of maps and this could make FHF imo :D 5* and dl'ed. LOVE THE LAST PIC.Lol the entrance is...
Damn this looks nice, too many aesthetic touches to mention. Loving the amount of effort put into the post, you take great pride in your work and...
Hey :) im they guy who helped you with your jumping dilema, just saying hey.
:L meh thats 49 better than me :D
..... seriously. That map was on Bungie favourites if my memory is correct. And NOT by your GT. Sorry if it is but map stealing is severly frowned...
Hey guys, just wondering what everybody's favourite montages are. 2 real catergories. Fav 100% MLG and Fav Mixture (MLG/Ranked/Social) And 1...
I remember testing this and I loved it, me and B3NW used to argue who would get the custom. The gameplay was fantastic and the aesthetics aren't...
I have to admit this isn't fantastic =/. Interlock more, make the body thinner and more curved, make the wings longer and make the propellers look...
hey man, i met u tonight in urbans custom tL BennyBhoy x?
Do a barrell roll :l
from what i can see you want to jump straight up so as to slide perharps the last 8th of the slide (crouching) then when you hit the jump release...
Front: "You know that look women get when they want sex?" Back: "Me neither"
what slide was it again, i remember the map but couldnt name that slide if you could get a pic i could post instructibubbles