:L u made it yet?;D
:O ill join :D did u need to ask me lol
I.HATE.YOUR.GUTS. Nah I kid but don't get smart. :L Doesn't suit you :P.
Lol all you kids and your abreavitaion (see that cant even spell it). i remember the days when the bbc was called the british brodcastion something :D
OMG. I WILL have your children :D. You are the best thing sliced bread :L, but really this is easily the coolest thing for trance-esque desktops....
Steve ;D. Why you not on MSN?
Not yet :(. What does SnG stand for sorry I'm slow on the uptake?
may i just say you have the best username i have ever seen at 4chub :D FR for Mabolsa
First Ok now that I am first I can go on to describe this amazing map. I remember testing this with you and the gameplay was top-notch. I enjoyed...
Damn Abyss is sexy :L u need to show me how to get there or i will eat ur shoes tehe but really its cool omg 200th POST WOOPWOOP
*cough cough* :D? still no mic tho so ill critisize/praise ur map either by xbl live pm or 4chub/msn pm
Holy **** holy **** holy ****. This is gobsmackingly unimaginably beautiful. There is almost a trippiness to the colours, because of the lights...
So many campaign guns xD Dragunov, AUG HBAR with the Sniper Scope, PP2000 THERMAL, and on a similair note wtf is the M4A1 SOPMOD?
Steve :D sorry bout last night my mate stole my Mythic disk and for some reason I didn't have SBox :(. Fingers crossed I can fix it tonight.
KB could you make this sig have a transparent background or is that not possible? [IMG] wait nvm it just didnt work in the forums :S
Damn. That is one of the most impressive write-ups I've seen, you are obviously very confident in your forging abilities and from what I've seen...
Damn and blast. This map = forging orgasms. :L but seriously this is a fantastic map with too many aesthetic details to mention ie. the power-ups...
Buddha that was the best write up ive seen in a long time :L But onto the map it was a perfect puzzle which annoyed the hell outta me for a good...
This map is....ok. You need to be more diligent in your interlocking, its not for making corners its for floors, walls everything. A weapon list...
@Random11714 Well I can only say un-interlocked floors made of walls = big bumps = bad BR battles and difficulty traversing through the tubes I...