pros-It looks symetrical and doesnt look overloaded with weapons. cons-You didnt use any interlocking and geomerging even though you said you did....
pros-looks like a lot of fun and you have made many gametypes to support the map which makes the map stronger. cons-Not much. Maybe turn some of...
pros-Well use of interlocking made a nice cliff edge and a ship worth being noticed by many people. cons-Might be a little unfair. The ship looks...
pros-Another amazing map by cosmic rick.Great idea using above blackout and making an amazing territories map. The map is perfectly symetric and...
Pros-looks like pretty good interlocking and seems to have even and not overpowering weapon placement. Cons-It seems to be that the wall blocking...
pros-love the idea of being able to choose if you want to stay back and gaurd or attack through the man-cannons. Doesnt look that weapon heavy...
pros-The map has good interlocking and does look pretty much uncheatable. The weapon placement may be a little overcrouded but it isnt that bad at...
So there is 4 mazes and you have 3 pictures. I dont get it. Is the fourth map like the rest of them. I cant tell from the pics but the maps look...
this map looks extremily good. Yhe interlocking and geomerging are very good and give the map an edge over other asymetrical maps. Capture the...
This looks like an amazing capture the fla\g map. The interlocking is perfect and the base design is extremily cool. Is the game a little one...
so, i see all the pics and This map looks pretty cool. You do know how to interlock but it seems like you only use it in nessecary spots. This is...
This map does bmot look that bad. You do know how to interlock some objects but you could have interlocked some other objects like in picture 7....
This map looks very well made. You meerged the grav lift under the ground to make it invulnurable so that is a very nice touch. The interlocking...
I do see all the pics and this looks like one of the longest and most challenging puzzle maps I have ever seen. Their are 30 puzzles in total....
The map looks fine but why would you have to noscope. I know that is the point of the game but if you really wanted to you could just stay in a...
I like this map a lot. I am a big fan of custom games and especially infection. I do have to ask, when you say the zombie is slower and cant jump...
This map looks like it would be a ton of fun for free for all or small slayer games. Can you play capture the flag or 1 bomb on this map. It would...
This is a truley amazing map. I love the first pic with the stairs merged with the bridge wall. That had to tak forever to make. The map is just...
Thanks for the help
Thanks for the advice and I will use that in my first map post.