I think this is a good map but the problem is you didnt use any forging teckniques. (sorry about spelling) From the pictures their is no...
i dont know. the pics arent working for me so i dont see any of the pictures. does anybody else not see the pics. I dont know. Maybe it is just me...
This looks like one of the best remakes of pit . it looks like the flamethrower would be a little overpowered because if you got the flamethrower...
I like the map but the text is really hard to see. Imagine. i am a kid and I can barely see it so imagine how a 90 year old would feel. just...
You dont have to make a new post to make changes, you just click the edit button at the bottom of your post and it is against the rules to post a...
This is much better then v1. Not that v1 wasnt really good but v2 is way better. you fixed all the main problems especially the camping. The...
I dont know if we can clasify it as stolen yet. He said they built it together but went their seperate ways because they disagreed. The map does...
I dont really see what the map is. Is it just the litlle bux area or are the teleporter thing you show in the last pic involved in the map. I...
I do not see any geomerging in this level even though you indicated that you did. It is not that big of a problem but maybe you did and you just...
This looks like a pretty good level and I like it. No afense to other puzzle makers, but most people dont take the time to geomerge and interlock....
Well I must say, You have been doing a ton of work in the last couple of days. This looks like a really good map and I like it. I cant believe...
Wow, this looks really good. I remember seeing v2 a while ago and this is waybetter. I love the interlocking. The race track looks good and well...
i think you need to add a better description because I cant tell anything about the map from the pictures. Is it just some big dome that you play...
Actually, I think it is for slayer. I dont really know how this would work because their are a lot of plasmas on the level. Maybe you wanted it...
this is a very good mlg map and it is very unique. All these people that say it isnt up to mlg standerds are wrong. This is a very good map and I...
This looks like a pretty good obstacle course. Most of the tricks seem somrwhat challenging so i will download and give you a a better responce...
Thanks for getting the pictures up and the map looks okay. i do not see any interlocking from the pics but I could be wrong. Sence the name of the...
I understand that you did not mean to post it yet but you should probably hurry up and finish the post. Your post is not up to forge hub standerds...
thanks for the part in the post. Love paint pictures. The map looks just as good as the first version, actually it is better. I guess that is what...
This is a very fun minigame from the pictures. There is a lot of switches so that always adds fun. Do the humans have a chance at killing the...