Check out some threads in Reach Forge discussion. You aren't the only one waiting for an epic update... I wish they didn't rush for release...
Save map. End game. Change gametype in Forge menu. Start game. ...sad face...
There are a few dissapointing flaws in Reach. They promised a user-friendly forging system. I prefer H3's forge due to its ease of placement...
Actually it was a retail fail. I know it was in Norway but I don't know what store. One of my Norweigan friends has a few friends with Reach....
From the options, Clearwater. But I would pick something more creative. The Port? Hydro? Just ideas. I would love to play this. Especially on...
Well... This is Reach discussion(Though remotely,) and he did ask or say that he hopes it was photoshopped. I don't think it NEEDS to be locked...
This is a nice idea. Try combining it with a cannon, man. Make the awesome fake teleporter and as you enter the blindness a cannon shoots you...
Fix'd! The problem was you spelled Obama wrong! Posting Plumber Rank pl0x? I usually am Main Objective, Support Player, and Main Power Weapon...
Let me say this your way. <That is not what he asked. You are not contributing to the topic at all.> Well if you love the idea enough, keep...
From the pictures its a giant garage housing an overshield. I understand the top is supposed to be rocky, but the post is confusing.
But the gayness sets the distinct line between SWAT and MW2.
I agree with you all so much I don't know who to quote for this post... Anyway, it could also help with the patience thing in real life. Ex....
Reach Firefight Discussion?
Please, stop. You will start one yourself, and you are one of the bad MLG players. Those who are good, but lack social abilities except to those...
Beaver Beach? <----> Beach? I like the Beach thing.
Ten minutes? But the guy that made this had 15. <sad face> ...I am ohfindid... <No, this post is not spam>
Combat Box Mad House Battle Arena I know, my names suck. But I look forward to the map inspired by BC.
Legendary Plus: All grunts as strong as a standard elite, all elites as strong as standard chieftans, all chieftans as strong as standard hunters,...
Rocket Race. What about Rocket Race? How is that not VIP? I expect that means either RR will have some slightly different settings and be...
The Auntie-dot? Hm... I wonder how she sounds... John, Johnson, and Buck are all pretty BA. But I'm betting Emile will be too.