i loved torpedo jumpers. can't wait to see what you do with the new one.
theres absolutly nothing wrong with this. the idea is a little stale but the map is made well, maybe you should look at scarfaced's skatepark map....
you know what would be cool, a nonfoundry day. basically a special day at forgehub where you can't post maps that are on foundry, we could have...
i know this sounds weird, but the design and description sound an awful lot like my new map, and i'm about to post it.
would you be willing to make a video for my new map. just a walkthrough of it. if yes then i'll send you a film of one of my testing matches. thanks
of course you can go on the roof top thing, its a main part of the map, and thanks for your insites and questions
dahm, it says [IMG] We're unable to complete your request Windows Live ID is experiencing technical difficulties. Please try again later
i am unable to sign in on bnet, is anyone else having this problem?
wait, i pissed you off? how?
i direct you HERE i understand you don't know about posting requirments. this group will; help, but in short, you need pictures of your map. this...
its a more flexible c3po. starwars fans rejoice
i'll gladly work with you insane, i think you've seen my map caverns, so you know my skills, and my new map is even better, that will be realesed...
i direct you HERE.
i don't want to hear anyone flame this kid, he dosn't know what to do, not his fault, i assume a mod will move this, so, i guess i can help make a...
agreed, palins only qualification for vp is the fact that she hunts, because unlike **** cheney, she won't miss and hit a foreign offical.
that was a video? i thought it was just a picture, ok watching now
this map looks sweet, but could you add a little bit more of a description, like what are the peoples traits. and a few more pics showing the...
of course they should ban guns, only police and certified hunters should be allowed to own them, and the tests needed to become a certified hunter...
what hole, please explain