For the front gate is there a switch to open it up or is it a bash your way in gate?
Name: Texturedlemur Head: EVA Primary: orange Secondary: Brown Font: Greek/Roman--> Poseiden Symbol:Jolly rodger skull (no bones) For the rest...
well i think that for posting purposes photo bucket is more user friendly.
Do you use photobucket or image shack?
I would switch to photo bucket it is much more user friendly.
1) go to this link 2) click on the screen shot you want to use 3) click on...
The screen shots you posted are the thumbnails not the actual screen shots.
Hip Hip horay Hip Hip horay your using photo bucket. I think it is much more user friendly. But even though you do have a slide show some people...
Sweet it looks like a really fast paced game the only negative i have is that i haven't DL it yet. I like the third pick cuz he is gonna get owned...
Use photobucket or image shack and copy and past the BB code on between the [img] things [IMG] it looks like this [IMG] ) Personally i think...
click this like to see how to make switches on youtube The first explains what they are and shows you how they work the second show you how to...
A good map does not need interlocking READ MY SIG. And way to be just plan mean. Besides a work week is a pretty long time to spend on a map....
Why is it not for hardcore players. It seems like it would be a good map for swat or KoTH
I like the action shot and the second pic with the HUD. I will put it on my DL list.
I like how the only power weapon is a mauler it keeps the game play fast paced and it also means firefights will be longer and more intense.
Looks great but i can't remember Hang 'em High that well so i will DL to try and bring back some old memories.
Looks really fun and since i like puzzle maps i will put it on my list to DL
Looks really fun. I like how you can get on the trees and snipe form there.
Hey if you need any testers for your star light map pack just PM me and i will be glad to help.
Wow the concept is cool but wouldn't the score have to be kinda low to play the game?