If you want help PM Nemihara. (Here is the link to his profile page) He has the most posts and is one of the most experienced members of FH. And...
This should help you embed Step one, Save your Pictures from bungie.net to your home pc Step two, create an account for photobucket.com (its...
Here is something to help you embed. Step one, Save your Pictures from bungie.net to your home pc Step two, create an account for...
Welcome to the thinkers and talkers group
Don't worry about it. I had a great time. Lone solider and Orangeremi stepped in and we had a great time. We all had great games and great laughs.
looks great i hope i play this on tonights TGIF
instead of saying "no pic no clicks" why don't you help him out. welcome to forge Hub. We here at forge hub hope that you will continue to be an...
Looks really well done i love the wall inside the stairs to make it look cooler. I will DL
Thanks you helped me a lot the only problem is i still don't fully understand. So i am rereading it. This will still help me out with a map i am...
To Charliezulublue: Saying fail on FH is a heavily warned and possible baning offense because it is just to harsh and mean. Please edit your post...
It looks big and it looks like it could be a playable infection map. I will DL
ONE person telling him how to post is enough any more after this will be reported as spam.
I think you should add more pics to the description because it would help us get more of a picture of how the game will play out.
Your map looks great. I really like the ghost spawn because the pallets can be destroyed to make a new door.It adds an element of Bad company to...
To sgt: Way to help out a new member. To the poster of the thread: Please have a mod move you your thread to a different area of a the forum like...
Is any body going to help the guy by giving him the link instead of yelling at him. After all not all people respond to negative criticism....
Looks like a great map. It looks like you put alot of time in to it. I will DL. I just hope the game's ending is not as sad as the movie's
I think fat kid has ruiened infection. The reason why: it is jus so unbalanced that the first half of the game is pointless. All I can say about...
Looks like a great map and i really like the emo charzard. It look like it could be an actual, well working cops and robbers map
I like good whale sushi's sig