LMAO....yea....that one sucked....
oh i see what you mean...yea...i guess so...it kinda just ended really fast...did you see the alternate one? if not go to youtube an watch...
I think cloverfield took the cake for me....for one the movie is an hour and 5 minutes long....and you never find out what happens and they just...
You think the ending to I AM LEGEND is the worst?
I personally think the best ending to a movie ever is 'The Bourne Ultimatum' it has the best ending to a movie....anyone whos scene it will agree...
Im with you all...this is one movie I'm glad to say is going to be better than the first....and I really really liked the first....gunna see it...
When I See The Big TGIF on the front page I immediately sign up for it....I read the rules I put it in correctly and I wait....I've been in one so...
I Notice alot of people are complaining about the video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHvced_4fXw that video has a different perspective on what...
T or R cuz T could be another Long Road Home map..or some what like it Zombies come thru the middle to attack...or something....R because Id like...
no, the electrical shocks might paralize me, and so the 5 bucks would be meaningless... would you wear a shock collar at a heavy metal concert?
well not saying hello...i kinda just joined....yea...i know about the maps and stuff........
Hey...umm srry.... GT: LittleLordSissy FH: LittleLordSissy Age: 15 Gender: Male Location:Canada i participated in TGIF#8 it was great fun thanks...
awesome looks stunning...5/5
LOL....this is a great great map...i played it at TGIF 8...definatley worth a DL....
lol...i say bout a 6/10 for the lighting...its only kool with the light in the back......
looks good i like how the focal point isnt in the centre....the rock gives some forground.....
wow...great interlocking...ill DL
Great job man
i DLed this map and wow...GREAT MAP 9.9/10 just cuz teh humans got no real weapons an cant kill the minitaur...but thats how its suppose to be...