in that time era was all about aliens...the next one will be epic tho! guarenteed...
THE ABC CREW STRIKES AGAIN....good map guys....i love your ideas...
thats a freak of nature...seriously.....i have a pen pal in japan it took 9 months airmail....only once tho....dont worry it takes 10-15 days....
no was in the comics...wasnt the directors or writers idea..... kidding....that happend in the wasnt the directors idea...
See....everyones saying how they hated the spiderman trilogy because of one movie...i do think thats unfair...remeber when we all first saw...
I think if i was somehow endangering people with a knife or gun...i wuld rather be shot by tazer because 9.9 times out of 10 i would live.......
I liked the set of movies...however i can see where you are coming from..they are all about 3 hours long and good vs evil is kind of old i...
I cant think of the absolute perfect trilogy..but i think that the 'Back to the Future' was pretty they are all connected and you know...
I agree linubidix aft. scary movie 3 number 4 just was rancid.... AND I AM NOT DISSIN CLOCKWORK!! I am only saying it didnt have much plot development
Yea..same thing happens to me...i want to make a big stairway that seems like one stairway...also i want to have stairs poking out of walls at...
yea...i hate that its like the directors suddenly didnt give a damn.....just like heroes...the atomic guy and the painter guy just gets killed...
i mean more along the lines of how it started out as a movie then ended up as a soap opera... home alone is a good one mculley culkin ones are the...
i was actually looking forward to the vulture..but i was shot down really quick....
FIRST OF ALL.....I knew about Gutar Hero when it first came out...when it wasnt taht a bunch of posers say OH YEA I LIKE SLIPKNOT!! you...
i think spiderman 3 had so many things crammed into it because it was the end of the contract (in spidey 1 it tells taht toby had signed a 3 movie...
(yes i know worstest isnt a word) What Do You Think Is The Worst Trilogy Ever? Personally I think it is the Matrix Trilogy.... Why? Well for... 18004myxbox and tell them about get 1 month free xbl and ittakes bout 10 days in total.....(once you ship it) until the box...
i hope there is a fourth, but tahts it...and everyone turns back to normal (if you know what i mean) and yes i did see first when i saw it...
:P you stole my..whatever The WickerMan....Nick Cage helps everyone and in the end they are all crazy and kill him.....