will do man!
yeah cool cool. ill get onto that tomoro. wont take long. i corrected the kill zones and added some more cover in the courtyard area. then had to...
Supernova! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA this made me laugh (especially the second photo). i love how thorough you are man. All great insights. Will definitely...
thanks for the feedback silent! i have played a few games where one player has stood above red spawn and got a few quick kills with power weapons...
also just want to go on record. i know vehicles create another dimension to the game. but the thing i hate the most is when noobs jump in a...
thanks for the advice man. probably a good idea. new to the forge community so this whole thing is still a bit...well, new to me :) but yeah...ill...
i agree that it is a little bit open. i had an idea after i posted the map of a possible solution for creating a bit more cover in front of each...
JKAddict your ideas are also valid...ill try a few things out. but possibly the simplest solution is always the best one. either way. ill look...
Zandril...thanks for all the feedback. anything anyone says i will take on board without a second thought. First point - i think i created that...
Space Domicile [IMG]As iv been injured the last couple of weeks iv been at home, playing halo, forging, watching Dvd's and the like. The last few...
ill take some updated screenshots tomoro then. :)
hey guys...so i changed another few things. the biggest change being green Long hall area, the base is less busy on the eyes, swapped out the...
dont worry...iv downloaded both versions. and will test them both out when i have the time and players! :P
havent done that yet, but i will have a look at which ones i can change and if they work or not.
this is just a minor thing i found annoying about the map when i ran through it...why is there a bump at the start of the ramp from top blue base...
So i downloaded and ran through your map for a while just to get a feel of it...i have to say man, i was/am impressed...i liked the size of the...
from the screenshots it looks like a really well thought out map man. ill definitely download and give it a run through :)
the amount of random ordnance seems excessive for the size of the map just from looking at your screenshots. does it get too busy in the game with...
changed a few of the incline bridges into ramp, XL...u were right Zandril. cheers...aesthetically havent change anything yet. File Share Halo...
thanks for the feedback Silent and Zandril!