this is the best map ever made, screw that kentucky tango this beats that, IMMENSE!
Well I was away for some time, so hello again. My reason is quite simple, while cycling in april my teamate and I were practicing for a race on...
my sirname is hodges so i decided to take that film overthehedge and stick my sirname instead of hedge taking away the 'S' in hodges. I thought it...
ah hah........ when i joined live in september 07' i had this problem, go to ur computer, switch it off completely. u should have a broadband box...
nice one trickmyster, i think i'll have to come to america to get that magazine as it isn't published in britain...... weve got 'STUFF 'mgazine...
jedi, i made a good gaurd tower on a map..... make a double box vertical, surround it in walls all the way to the top, delete one wall at the back...
excellent map, i cant belive the size of the thing. the spartan lasers that are on the map could make for great movie making if u ever wanted to...
wow gorebound, im in england but i will be stayin in karlstad at the gustaf froding hotel.... I will be in hagfors on friday, saturday and sunday...
oh BTW, not online friday-sunday as im in Sweden watchin' the world rally..... it gonna be immense! cheers!
Jolly good, my maps dont usually take ages, it depends more when im on xbox live..... i send u a friend request when possible. my GT is, i quote,...
Hey guys/gals, im looking for someone to help me make maps...... it would be appreciated if u have true knowledge that u r good, can do certain...
yeh this was a really good game, better multiplayer than HALO, RSV, COD3, Gear Of War..... I loved and the other week I just unlocked lvl. 57....
heavy metal i played that metalock map, its very good m8, i dunno if u wanna help me make some maps..... get back to me if u fancy that.
have u played the demo on marketplace? well just do, i love this game and preordered it a while back...... BTY, its not some gay sword stuff, this...
i was discussing halo on LOST PLANET, some bloke said i make maps 4 and after seeing 'depot' i checked it out and spontaneously...
soz about my previous messge, twas an accident...... i wanted to say that this is the best game ever and almost beats my girlfriend in bed! :)
this game looks bloody fantastic! RSV2 is gonna wipe the opposition clean, cant wait to use the 11 new weapons, one of which is the british...