nooooooooooooooo! i lost. no need for anyone to reply to this thread as thesilencebroken is helping me. someone can lock it. if they want?
please be silent..... i dont want them to know. :)
why isnt this featured? tis probably one of the best maps out there, i admire this map.... it 5/5 and i downloaded long ago. come on mods etc. get...
yes, that would b e excellent i will message u via xbox live ASAP.... erm what is ur gamertag, mine is Overthehodge.
Hello all, So i have been making a map for the past month and after making most of it I began adding some weapons. I saw a guide for weapon...
after downloading and playin 2v2 i can say that this map is horrible, the weapon balance is precarious to say the least and although forge skill...
Its all about the FN Mark 17. S.C.A.R baby! Here The belgians actually did something right!
To be honest, I hated renegade.... but this has some of its characteristics. After playing a quick 3 person FFA however my mindset was changed. I...
I am a fan of Emma Watson, if that counts? But yes, it should be a good film. My god I still havent read the last book! ZOMG! Well ive been...
This is a great name, I just finished studying Favelas a few months ago for A-level exams. The map looks clean and well interlocked, sadly I wont...
TrueDarkFusion: He started it all and is a true forging God! Look at Depot for example. The ABCrew: The only thing they know is how to make...
i will be starting V2 work soon, in have already added a brute shot to help counter the ghost and increased the ghosts respawn time. I plan to add...
woah, this map is godlike.... if the ABCrew dont mind i may add a warthog in for my own fun. 5/5.
what the hell is that supposed to mean? Thanks for the positive feedback so far! :)
well, i dunno if open is the way to describe it. the numerous buildings are where the cover is. when i made the map i thought i would add the...
yeh i edited the post about 10 seconds before u posted that, they work now. no thumbnails!
Scar Village When covenant forces occupied this village they knew little of what was in wait.... Master Chief! 4-14 players. Interlocking and...
i dunno about this map,it looks really great with the interlocking and merging but its lacking something..... warthogs?
wany my advice.....? do some male bonding. its not gay or nothin like that, its not to flash; its just u and m8 or dad or in ur case ur step-dad....