this is a nice idea. alright if anyone fancies some blood or night in with some action. then watch Dommsday, not the best film but bloody hell has...
nah, nah. theyre called cunts (scuse ma french). havent had one of those messages. not got a full friends list though.....
i saw this. pretty funny, reckon shes a pro. and she is like 58 or somin. no 47 year old is that unfortunate.
nero from devil may cry 4. hench sword (innuendo?), super powers and a dependable lady friend.
lol. i win?
suck it. im a united supporter anyway!
i wont be picking this up unfortunately. i would but to me it looks as if it will be good (8/ 10 good). but id rather get lost planet 2 and virtua...
in my opinion, Fallout 3. it is just orgasmic and i still have not finished it due to its hugeness and amazing weapons shizzle.
i plan to get the DLC soon, but first go on a rampage, kill all infidels, grab the baby (u evil scum) and run like hell. hopefully all those who... fit
oi, neighbourhood watch. i look out for u and u dont say anything yeh? kids....
never give out work on the internet. u are asking for someone to take this and steal it. because for all u know someone is needing to do the exact...
too be honest mate, if u called me a bastard then id have to grab u a beer.
i do see where people are coming from with this corruption. i got warned for calling somebody a bastard, freedom of speech people. + some seem to...
that sums it up. actually it really does. *high five* best thing ive seen today.
1: Metal Gear solid 2: Sons of Liberty 2: Metal Gear solid 4: Guns of the patriots 3: Elder scrolls IV oblivion 4: Call of Duty (the first one on...
give this man some money. but u are bloody right, annoying bastards!
hmm, i think it is that this Geth has killed shephard and is wearing his suit or geth are in some way connected with the spectres, or maybe this...
thanks a bunch! :D
thanks mate, i believe an 18th party is in order!:D