I dips the first hole in one... back off, LOL
KK no problem man hope you enjoy
Love the map, great idea with fusion coils and power cores... but I hate filters! for that reason 3/5 for me.
ITS DONE! The screenshots are up! Sorry for the wait, hope you you like, Ok have fun playing my map, enjoy,
Nice I like the look of this map, like the way you fight towards the zombies. Is there anything to stop you just waiting at the start at the end...
Like it... sounds fun, i will give it a download once i get my 360 back from repairs.
Thats, helpfull. Nice work
Yes... thats 100% right... i only went on bugie net to get the links but it wasnt working... with any luck the file will be downloadable...
This isn't constructive criticism... and i never said i was leaving forge hub... PLEASE take the time to read my posts, reading isn't hard......
Do you ever read posts? Really are you that dim? I wrote out the thing, then i found out you cant link to fileshare... which was fine... so i...
Look for god sake... i posted it then edited it... one problem bungies server is down if you havent noticed so i cant add the links... what do you...
Thanks for the offer but I have used many forums i cant think it would be too different... its either code or a button. Only problem is bungie...
Didn't you look at the screenshots? loads of the map was merged, if merged is what i think it is, like objects inside other objects...
They are all working now, dont know wha you did but it worked. Still is anyone esle getting the problem bungie.net isnt loading? I think it was...
OMG, I wish bungie was working and i hadn't already maxed out my ten downloads... this looks like a 5/5 to me, I love predator when the predator...
I Like, clever with the grav lift. Shame there is no way to make it fall appart... but oh well there is a limit to forge. 4.5/5
Thats great, doesnt have the right base shape of a pelican though... but i guess thats pretty hard too do. I'd give it a 4/5
Lol, nice. I hate the limit to how many files you can download at one time and my 360 is in for repair... ;-(
I forgot all about that ship... untill i saw the first screenshot... oh how CE had the best storyling and campain mode
Nice, not a fan of LOTR's though.