Ok find me one civilization with no belief system controling the people. Every country and super power in modern day has religions and lists of...
Name one civilazation dead or alive that didn't/doesn't use belief systems to control their people that it had/has as followers. Its all a game...
My response in blue read slowly and carefully to not be confused. "Men are only Gods in Ruins Gods are only Mans delusions." Not a bad quote has...
I'll see how he reacts then act accordingly thats always been how I work. If I see him acting out of biased bull I will shove it right back down...
I have given specific knowledge on the subject but this board moves pretty fast and my older point are well, old and I just jumped back into the...
You couldn't argue your way out of a box if you honestly want to take a shot at me make it worth my time reading spell my user name in the right...
I say im right because i have eyes and can see a mind control trick when I see one. Your little weak mind at some time was in a stae where you...
You are the dumbest person I know , hands down lol. My argument is [show me god show me divine power.] You haven't I say "well then theres no...
Your god is as real as any imaginary being that the human mind has created for one reason or another. Plus Christianity is just a ripped off...
Its not as influencial in todays youth as it was in the past because its been outdated and most have come to the realization of that. The youth I...
I did the same thing that the guy the created the Bible did I smoked some drugs and wrote anything that came to my mind to teach lessons that will...
"I didn't realize that the reason the topic of God weighed so heavily on my mind, was because God was pressing the issue. I have come to find out...
Thats what you think but id like you to prove it :] . Even the idea of peace is going to cause fights because everyone has a different idea of...
If your defining sin you have to pick the religion with your view of a sin is in. So what religion should you pick the oldest or the most popular?...
lol its a good point but you have to blame the coca cola company for this image. They picked a red nosed fat man because he represented a drunk...
Is the patch just fixing the javilin thing or anything else like the unlimited airdrop glitch or elevator glitches? youtube if you dont know them.
Well my K/D is 2.52 whith aoutomatic guns and in domination games I average around 60-90 kills a game and ground war team deat I usualy get in the...
I just really started hearing this bands work and its not bad.Very nice alternative and progressive band. Eye Alaska favorite song by them :"I...
Im just saying sniping is very risky in this game to begin with you not only limit yourself range wise but while your quickscoping your in the...
Don't use the sniper easy as that. No one likes snipers and you never get that many kills with them anyhow. Your better off with a weapon which is...