The Japanese Fighting man - World War II Zone Forums It was the general mentality of the Japaneese people there was no retreat or surrender. As...
Well the dieing for the emperor wasnt my idea but thats what they thought. Kamakazi soldiers died bysacrificing their lives and thatsd what would...
I have those linked sources in my previous posts. @CaMOfo the North poles reserve is large but ya it cant be tapped as of now. The United states...
We have the ability to pay everyone back and any country foolish enough to attack us would not only be attacked by us for using a nuclear devise...
You know that the united states has the worlds largest oil field that is still untapped right lol? We havent tapped into our supply in quite some...
Nature does dictate our lives and society more than many of us will admit. You brought up some good examples of how people will revert to...
Until enviromental energies are wide spread than yes oil could very well be the end if a conflic between a few super powers happens. I think that...
The emperor was their god and he commanded the to all fight to the death each and every person and they all were, and that soon changed when they...
9/11 is just like pearl harbor but instead of a surprise attack on a military target such as Battle Ship Cove it was in the middle of the greatest...
I have no problem with it its basically having an exact identical twin which already happens natural. You do not share thoughts or memories so I...
Hey this guys sig is ginormous I already informed Shadow but he might not see my message link to giant sig guy: Forge Hub - View Profile: Falconx03
I got an infraction for a sig 1 line too long whats that guy get haha?
hey shadow this kids sig is like a page long in size lol I thought it was a joke but its legiut a sig haha Forge Hub - View Profile: Falconx03
Meh they are ok although 3 kill streaks are nothing compared to all my nukes so ya haha. It doesn't even match up with my 2.7 k/d or the games I...
Why do people leave the website when i debate with them? Am I an ass ? Im not even trying to be lol
" Ill miss you." My response in blue as usual. Once again my goal is NOT to make anyone leave you shouldn't feel presured to all im doing is...
What kind of proofs are you looking for? Groups need a purpose and something to follow to last . So im just putting religion as a whole as that...
True I see your point . I'll specify more clearly in my future posts , Didn't think it was coming out that opinionated. Like I know fact wise that...
Religion is Social Control, page 1 This guy says it better than me^ And wheres the facts that god is real theres no physical proof of him...
If you feel as if im being offensive I appalogize im pointing out what I see. I just see religion as a power game thats used as a control for society.