SHOOT THE EYES FIRST!!! Love this map dude. That swinging chain is ****ing epic! Glad to see all these map you been posting man keep it up , oh...
Excellent race map guys! the colors make this one stand out from all the rest. Insane gametypes FTW!
I have a second puzzle completed that is equally if not better than adv island that i havent released yet if you want to get a sneek peek man hit...
Yes I remember but you didnt use it to its full potentential , haloball opens up the doors to a crap load of new challenges , hit me up if you...
Thanks man yes this is a coop Wow cool man, if you have any questions let me know. You should check it out and then make one using haloball,...
[IMG] Rules [spoiler] Overview pics [spoiler] Jail / Police HQ [spoiler] Starting Area [spoiler] Action pics [spoiler] M. G.
U can delete the teleportal if u wish to stay in the ship. Yea that happens to me too, I just crouch and it will release me. Thanks for all...
Excellent random box. I used your model in my new horror zombie map I'm working on.
[IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] Avalon...
i humbly thank you my friend :)
oh lol nevermind i cant do it from my phone for some reason but i can on laptop ...sorry .
I just wanted to see why dirt is so mad?
Why can't I post in chat box ? Am I banned?
Don't listen to those idiots zath we both know u can forge better than most of the people on this site and with that knowledge nothing can stop u :-)
Hey thanks for the comments guys , I was inspired and helped by angusyung to make a machinima set and this was created in a few days. The hardest...
lol, hey thanxs for helping me test dude glad you like it :)
[IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] Special thanks to That tall guy and Harr311....