Well there are a lot of these maps out there but few have a time delayed second level. So cookie for you. But still the same gameplay as before....
Well, heres some news; I have been pressured by a few friends into starting construction on a new course. But rather than rehash the old thing I'm...
Course III is up. Welcome and thanks to all!
not too original but decent interlock, so cookie for you.
Back from vacation, it's late here so I will get on tomorrow and put up the pictures and the link. :) Hope you all enjoy. (P.S. this is the...
Good map sorta like a termite game where the exterminators have a bug bomb... :)
Course III is finished, on vacation, will post on return...
Well I already know about this, but the thing is it really isn't that challenging. As well, it requires host to do effectively so I would be...
Course III BETA pics and descriptions added to give those of you who are looking forward to it a taste. Keep in mind the BETA involved me just...
Well I've decided to post a few preview pics of the third course beta to give you all an understanding of whats to come. I will not include pics...
Well in reply to your question as to whether or not you can play with others. Yes that is half the point of the map; a competition to see who can...
Well it's been a while since I posted but i figure i best announce the completion of jump course III beta. I have now begun map construction, and...
Already know this but whats the point in getting out if this is for personal use in training your jumps? I can see your point, however I have no...
Ok this is by far the best map I have seen that I myself did not make. P.S. you can get out of it really easy by jumping up by the B sign near...
Thanks for the compliments everyone. Hopefully v2 gets finished soon. :)
In response to the respawn on the items they won't respawn if your in a certain proximity, and the respawn is delayed if you interact with the...
whats wrong with the return system??? it's pretty much flawless... EDIT: Oh pin return my bad. But yeah thats that way just so the pins don't...
Well lets hope. I have found one promising case for a new member that may fit what were looking for but by all means keep looking. His name is...
yes just moved the thread to here
well first off the map is a lot less "plain" than it appears from the above shots, and there is tons of cover for the size of the map. And even so...