And thus is the same assumption that I can make towards anything, matter is eternal, it really is just smoke and mirrors. We can't make any real...
You realise your applying an argument that can be used both ways, right? On both God and matter. And assuming that God is infinite how can we...
Oops... I have been saying Timothy and meaning Thomas, I always get them mixed up... But heres the wikipedia Link for Gospel of Peter; it has...
And you were alive back then? No, didn't think so; so I am going to assume that laws of the universe existed back then too as that is all I have...
Matter can not be destroyed or created, on the most basic of levels... atoms, stupid ...and thus could easily be assumed as infinite (time basis)....
It's just as practicle to say that all matter always existed, just as it is to say that God has always existed. BTW - All Christians should...
What??? This in no way says God exists, only that if he does, by a logical standpoint he can't be perfect (the common consensus of the meaning of...
Can unuchs even have sex to begin with? JK, or am I?
Yup... oh and I may release that game blackout, if I do another version, as that one is not of the best possible quality.
The one thing I always say in prooving the existence of anything: "All reality is based on perception, and all perception is bias." That is all...
about what?
Wow, I am rarely impressed with an idea, but this is a great one (check my posts if you don't believe me...). While the concept is great the map...
In forge you (connection host) grab a two handed weapon, as someone picks it up, and then rotate the item really fast. His arms will get ripped...
Pimped out my page cause I was bored... :P
Well it was staged in the sense that I was shooting for a good picture using the glitch, but it was not in the sense that I didn't know what I was...
A convenient exo-arm leads to a rather interesting picture... Spartan Cannon [IMG] BFG Feel free to post your own captions, just for kicks,...
While the map itself is well built, I found gameplay to be a bit imbalanced, and favored the ones on higher ground. The rest of the map, excluding...
Well, atleast get your history of the gametype right. The original Deer Hunt was on Halo 2; the first version being made by myself involving a...
This map truley is... well, what's the word? ...horrible. The zombie can just shoot the vehicles at start and kill all the deer, or the deer can...
The scoring system doesn't require honesty, just that you score the ball. Because if the ball hasn't been knocked into the goal then you can't...