Espionage v2 The spiritual successor to my map Espionage; which was made over a year ago, now. Map Variant Custom Game Variant...
Well, why they were awesome; I still want more opinions. I have decided to exclude any results I get on this poll unless there are a substantial...
If you have the time to look at this, then you have the time to vote. I have been working with a couple of maps lately; and can't decide which...
Finally! A track that truly deserves a feature... it took forever, but atleast it happened. I hope more good features are to come; although I...
He later states in the Bungie blog, that Bungie has also tagged recon along with it. While he doesn't say anything in the video it is still true....
Sarkathalon 3 has gone live; and there is quite the prize up... Bungie Blog Link Map Variant Game Variant OFFICIAL RULES: One grand prize in the...
The new version is barely even worked on; got a lot of other projects right now, and it is hard to get going on something old.
Actually Muslims believe in the same god, just that Mohammed was the last prophet. And Christians don't believe that Mohammed was a prophet,...
Ah, I see so your on the opposite end of the spectrum... rather than being a crazy fanboy of the originals you are just a person with bad taste....
Yes, I have, but that aspect of God is irrelevant to the argument about his existence. This is a conceptual argument as to whether some higher...
Luck is not an actual driving force, it is... as previously stated ...just a term to describe the extremes of chance. Nuff said. ...The real...
Isn't this debate supposed to about the existence of God, why does the subject of Jesus keep coming up? Well, try to get back on topic even though...
Didn't I already post my concerns about this...? Oh well, but yeah this is a problem. Maybe they should consider having a popup that shows how...
Vice, that map already supports 16 players, but I was planning a larger scale version. Until then you can unofficially play it in the TGIFs.
I take it you were a Fallout 1 and 2 fan? ...Figured. The fact is that Fallout 3 was a great game and was recognized as so by the multiple awards...
Better to be back then have your back not be better... or wait... hmmm, not sure where I was going with this. But anyway welcome back although you...
Well, why this is not a bad map (it is nice and smooth and has a nice aesthetic touch) it wouldn't have been my first choice for a sandbox...
Hmmm, your friends are quite strange I would have to say. I don't believe that Jesus was the direct son of God as that is somewhat ludicrous. I do...
Not necessarily, it merely changes the stage upon which the creator began his creation. But I am tired so I am going to go for the night, see you...
Oh yeah Espionage... I disliked that one, so I reimagined it on sandbox; infinitely better and bigger; check it out if you want: Link And all...