It's not just the respawn times. Ive gotten 1023 double kills as well, and triples. So I guess everything with a number has the limit 1023.
Is this the glitch where you can shoot the pilot out of the cockpit? If it is, great implantation. New ideas for terrific minds!
The recon guy is kinda hard to see. But it's pretty cool that you had a chance to do that. The only time I ever saw recon in matchmaking is in...
^^^ Whats wrong with you? Anyways, at first I thought you used that turret glitch to make the armors. But you used paint?!?! Amazing, I could...
Wow. Just unbelievable. Does the murderer have an urge to see people suffer or something. Our society is getting more and more cruel.
wow. This is pretty hilarius. One time in a custom game. A kid starts going about recon. And says. Oh you have to be a general to be recon,...
^^^^ Maybe... But still.... I just don't think i'm good at strategy games. Especially not on Xbox. I think strategy games are better played...
^^^ Read the thread. Don't just read the first post. I clearly said. ENJOY... while you can. The free Xbox Gold trial (apparently what this...
Cool game, but I don't think im going to get it. It is very different from the Halo 3 and the weapons/vehicles are screwed up. It's suppose to...
That is a truely amazing program. It includes colour and detail, all it needs now is the floor of foundry. It's kinda hard to look at the map...
That is pretty funny. But what ship is that? It dosent really look like a phantom.
Shatterd spark is my favourite. It is unique, like an art sculpture or something.
Wow..... That is sad.... A death caused by video games.
Nice Video. Remember. It's NEVER your fault.
Lol. I got 40 too. I only new the obvious ones.
I have a 120 gb hard drive. Im going to install Halo 3, DDR Universe 2, Lego Star Wars.......... Every thing. 1 Question. Does anyone know if...
It's outside floodgate?!?! Master Chief is a ganster!?!?!? LOL
delete some useless stuff on your map to make more budget. If you don't have any, then your pretty much screwed.
Read the forging 101 section on unlimited budget glitch. Or if you understand this next part. Set the runtime maximun ONE higher. If you can't...
The first 1 was kinda funny, but the music was hilarius. The second one. I couldn't stop laughing at the slow-mo. The 3rd one. It was just...