Wow. Damn those scammers. But that is a very easy way to get money. Very smart. Thanks for the tip, I'll be more careful next time MS AV pops up.
Sweet. Bungie will have trouble explaning this one.
Wow. Amazing, I wonder how we are going to play that in matchmaking. Lol.
Ouch. That must hurt you deep inside. Thats why I always Close the party up. It's much more reliable, that way your "friends" can't just...
It looks sick! It looks like a flamethrower and a p..... pee..... pen..... yeah. It'd look so much better if you could see the elite's hands.
YAY!! I got through to puzzle 8. But now I'm stuck =.='. Puzzle 5 is a truely amazing puzzle, how did you find that out Buddha?
Wow, thats some skill right there. It's hard enough getting the dumpster in the right position. And you flew to the scarab. Nice Video.
Wow. Are you serious? 60$ for that ugly thing. No way.
Wow, it's magnificent. Just add another person bending down and it'd be perfect. But then again itd be super hard.
It's awesome, I am going to have to start doing that. Man, so many kills have been gotten that way. Great Job. I'm sure that was a spectacular...
How are people going to call him? Lol. They could just call him Captain Fantastic but why go though all this trouble for 10 Euros?
What is that thing in the top right hand corner? It looks cool. And as the title suggests, it looks like a guy is being attacked by a parasite....
Great guide. I couldn't wait so I tried the geo-merging immediately. Worked pretty well. Wasn't perfect because I did it in a hurry but...
OHHHH! sorry. I didn't realize that MU was Memory Unit. Oops. So what can you geo-merge? Anything? or just some?
You shouldn't just put it back on your fileshare, you should even make a thread. People will kill for that. Geo-merging on pre-DLC maps, that is...
It is very cheap, but since Bungie made Halo such a gltiched up game, that's what everyone has to expect. More and more hiding spots are being...
Does anyone know if he was playing on a nintendo 64? Or was he playing on an emulator of some sort. Either way, he is one hell of a player.
It was funny. And your a sick editor. Good job, the dive almost fooled me.
HOLY! Wow. I loved that game, when I had it. Too bad it broke. But seriously, I couldn't beat the game once, and this guy beat it in 15 min....
I have to agree, the second one is awesome. I also like the sword ones. It looks a desktop wallpaper.