Wow! I see it. It's crazy. And your saying that no interlocking was invovled? GTFO. Great effect by the way.
Wow, those are very nice. I liked the ones that had a vectorized image in the middle of a normal image. How do you do that, please give a...
If you mean, can I buy them with a credit card on Xbox Live. Then yes, that was always an option. And I can't wait untill they release this in...
Lol. Let me rephrase that. This is far worse than killing yourself and running away from home.
This is wrong. Just pure evil, you don't kill your parents because they took away your video game. I thought running away from home and killing...
I say you should wait. Unless you are really into game collecting, or you just like Halo Wars THAT much.
......Holy Crap. What did you do to that poor spartan. The helmet is coming out of the chest. And don't get me started about the legs. Very...
OOOOH! Tricky Tricky. Very nice effect, it confused me as I saw it. Then just thought about it. If only that screenshot competition for cones...
I totally agree, the story dosen't hook people in. I am hoping it will be decent since Johnny Depp is getting paid a hell lot of money.
It has extreme detail. Very well placed and angled. The orb of light reflects very well on the image. Good Job.
The game doesn't "suck", it is just short. It is a pretty fun game, but I'm just gonna stick with the demo untill the game goes down a couple of...
Oh my Goodness! Thats the best easter egg ever, and with splendid graphics. Nice Find!
Same here, I played COD 3 on the PS2 and tried the demo for COD 4. I hated it. Maybe because it is so different, and because I heard it is...
I liked the fireworks. The second cool as well, but the third was a little hard to see.
Wow. Does it actually work? The only thing that makes it look like a lancer is the chainsaw. Othere than that, it is basically a whole new gun.
I get this problem a lot. I have figured out why it does this, but I'm pretty sure there is no solution. The reason is the overload in...
I say suspect 2. He was fixing the ghost, and it is close to the crime scene. The spartan laser would be ruled out because there isn't a hole...
Theres a thread like that, but the links are mostly broken. Thanks for the canvases, I needed a Blackout canvas since I didn't think I needed it...
Very cool indeed. What I don't get is why it dosen't always turn on/off. Why dosen't it? Is there an explanation?
Holy! I agree with Whats a Scope. I don't fell inadequete, but my Lord! The pictures kept going, bigger and bigger. Greatly put together by the...