Im hosting a forge contest. Im doing this because 1.I cant make maps 2.Cant find anything good to dl. Rules: Unlimited use of vehicles. Can use...
mod plz remove thread. wrong section. plz post in wrong section
just wondering did u use blocked lazerz? nice map but im scared ill get lazer ownd. blocked lazerz=5/5. unblocked lazerz=4.5/5.
nice job. looks smooth and the jumps are EPIC. this map is like a race track that was like "hay jumping maps can i haz teh steriroidz???" And the...
ive seen maps exactlly like this hundreds of times. to add a little playability into the mix maybe random weapons. if u keep on adding 2 the cage...
nice job. i think u should maybe add a warthog for the attackers to even the playing field. It seems like the defenders can easily attack the...
this is very fun. 4/5 maybe next time less vehicles and also i found an easy way across (right when game starts just start jumpin for it) try...
u might as well call this a remake because it is slight moved 1 box. 1.5/5 just because u a nooby to FH. Maybe more orignal next...
sweet sig man. Songs awesome.
In the words of Dr. Phil.....thats a load of crap.PLZ put more effort into it.and just wondering why isnt the garage connected to the building.1/5
r u leader of zombies inc?
theme:dark render:my elite (in sig) with plasma rifles(can they be firing?) color scheme:black and white text:xXGRIFF3NXx (text color Red)...
i havent got the map up but ill post it here when its done.its called icy plains
i love the aesthics(prob didn't spell right =D). i think it looks better than the old last resort 1. 4.9/5 very close for that very,very,very...
i think its way to simple.maybe make a v2 with maybe some timed map events like ramps appering in the middle maybe even some dropping fusion...
nice map.maybe a little more interlocking.WATERFALL IS AMAZIZING.and with that said 3.9/5
nice post.i think you should make a v2 with merging and geo merging.srry about it coming from a guy thay sucks at makin maps. 4.5/5+rep up nice...
yo nate nice first post.(im to much of a *** to embed)
Beast Race:UNSC type:banshee like but human has 6 rapid fire machine gun turret on all sides with a scorpion tank cannon on the bottom has a...
this post is not up to fh standards.please view this.