You wouldn't, perchance, still have a recording of our game on Interchange 2v2 (Now called Eternum) from a week ago. I recall that you said you...
Let me in.
Regarding the lower level of Salvage, I think you're doing the right thing by leaving it in. I've just been too lazy to learn how to use it...
Beautiful map. Cleanly forged. The atrium looks great, as does the height variation.
Windfall by PRSplayer – I’m surprised that with the maxed budget, I didn’t notice any frame rate issues. The game was fun and I really like those...
While I'm happy with the layout, I haven't received feedback regarding anything I may have missed yet. I sure someone will find something I can...
[IMG] For those who have seen or played my map, Interchange, the layout of this 2v2 map will seem very familiar. The map features the red and...
Great looking map. I can't believe all the details you were able to get into a single map without it looking like you used up a ton of budget to...
I'll stick around for some 2v2 after our 4v4 maps. I have a 2v2 to test as well.
I really like the theme of the map. There are a lot of forge details throughout. You’ve done a good job of creating many unique areas within the...
Looks good, Fenix. Definitely keep the waterfall structures.
Jade by xAudienceofone Rat Trap by MickRaider Skydock by Psychoduck
This is a very beautiful map. It evokes Star Trek very well, and looks like it will actually play ok for actual games. It's seems a bit...
As for the lighting, a video I had that wouldn't show shadows now does show shadows. I'm happy about that. The other thing I was looking forward...
I'm in. Sign me up. Edited by merge: Date is wrong in first post.
That's some amazing looking architecture you've got there. You were able to get the structure to look pretty realistic. The layout looks pretty...
According to the dynamic lighting guide, the station ramps are less taxing than the station corridors. I don't know why and haven't tested it...
Split Screen Frame Rate Issues How important will split screen performance be in judging the maps?
Currently and slowly, finishing up Interchange and started a smaller, non-vehicle sized, 2v2 version of Interchange.