Trying to make a four way Stock pile still I see? Only suggestion I have is make scoring -1 for the team that was scored on.
I like how you capitalized on pop culture, but I don't really think it sounds fun.
Played this, the fight for the 'bunker' is so intense. Gotta love this map.
Thanks for humoring the new guy, lol ^^ Someday I'll find out for sure, the only way to know is time, I guess.
Did you already fix the Z-fighting? I saw some at ~0:17. During testing you should have a team mostly avoid jet packs, and see how well they fare...
Quite the sig you got thar, any chance I could acquire the code for said sig?
It doesn't really work that way. You can't completely eliminate the tilt, and which takes longer, guess and check or..... Anyway, I think Bungie...
Darn, so that's why my Citadel remake runs so slow. This is disappointing too, because there were windows in the original, it saddens me to have...
Ahhhhh yes. It would have been amazing if they just left out safe zones and invis walls. I mean, while build it and then say, "No you can't go...
Is what's below still in the game? I've had people tell me it isn't, which if so, is really sad, because this was one of the best they had....
He got on that fast. Was that intro Inception? Edited by merge: EDIT: I chuckled but never lol'd. The only thing I really liked was the Double...
BWU thumbnail anyone? I must say these are very nice, gradient color is so pleasing to the eye. Kudos for achieving this in-game.
Holy wow. Are you still living in this pic? I've gotten to a little island/marsh while dead but never alive. PS- I'm a fan of your God's large...
Ugh, this thread needs to be locked, can't believe I just posted my picture two weeks after it ended.
It's quite ironic that Bungie used the film and then immediately banned the creator for advertising his film on the Reach: Forums.
The zombie can jump over the barriers right? Are the humans really fast? Because otherwise it seems like the humans have no chance.
EDIT: [IMG] "Sharingan" -reserved- At school so can't access B.Net, will post mine soon enough.
So does inclement weather and exploding plasma grenades. At least they sort of do.. anyway, it's not the contest creator to come up with ways to...
I downloaded, but I feel bad for the first person who built a map like this in H:R (Walkwalker was the map) it was very interesting, but it was...
Thank you, hopefully we can run another test on the alpha of version two. I want to get this fully polished off before I upload it to my share...