Hard to see...
Once he said Fable 3, someone should have used their brain and done 2 and Fable.
The score did not fit at all.
Why did you remove the video? From what I've read you are spawning them on tripmines? What about setting to invulnerable and just dropping them...
Gunnergrunt made this map? Not enough epic miniature cities.
Infernal Inferno Deadlock Deadwind Artifact Torment Abyss Void
I played on this, was quite fun. I like the starting weapons and evade makes it so much like GoW
I don't know what you mean, but it's fine now.
Played some FFA on this, we were too busy looking at the volcano to actual give me enough insight to give feedback. Funny story though. A friend...
I don't feel like something as 'gimmicky' as that would be right for Arena.
Currently, I have version one of my map Stronghold uploaded onto my fileshare. What I want to do is upload the final version with the same name...
It's surprisingly large given first screen shot I saw of it. I like what you did with the man cannons.
Merp, you should 'embedify, I can't see it here at school.
Yeah, I have another film that is unpublished performing the exact same animation. I do believe it was fully intended to act that way. It was even...
http://www.forgehub.com/forum/featured-maps/112830-revball.html Is wheels the co-forger you made Rev-Ball for or did your concept just get jacked?
Wtf? Nilla made the exact same map.
I played free for all on this map, was very fun.
Forgive me, even after a long and grueling search through Bungie's influx of 'stories', I couldn't find the one explaining this issue. I suppose...
Large objects like the coliseum walls, in my layman's terms, have an off center axis. So if you rotate with any slight difference in the...
Looks very professional. Edited by merge: Note: Don't placed fixed weapon spawns, they stay fixed when dropped and cannot be picked up again.