I agree to a point. They could've easily spawn somewhere else, but they kept spawning on there teammates. Not my fault for their mistake.
Trying to get Inclement Weather is just one of the reasons I play matchmaking. Also because of friends but, this isn't no ordinary game. My clan...
sorry about that, Just kinda pissed that the recording stats feature was taking down along with the website in 3 days.
How could I shutdown Guildtags.com? That's like me telling Forgehub to shut itself down... How the hell does that work?
I was saving the map and about to get on Halo 3. These guys joined right when I was re-naming the map: H:R Beta 1.2 You may think this is...
Also I didn't leave my xbox on for months. I saved everyday. about 125 Hours of work and it gets deleted in about 5 seconds.
Guildtag Creator is Shutting down all existing accounts as of March 15th and is no longer accepting new profiles. Read the entire post I just put up.
Okay, Understand I continuing the project. They are shutting down ALL Guildtag Created Websites on March 15th. READ WHAT IT SAYS! FEBRUARY 26 -...
2 weeks ago, there was a message sent to us. Since I wasn't on the computer that much, I was basically informed now over Xboxlive. Guildtag is...
Since of last day, Halo:Reach RPG Beta (Map) was deleted. I have reclaimed about 2/5's of the destruction that has came across my map. I need a...
This Im sure. Remember, Im only confirming one map is done. The 2nd map was started on, then I went to play some matchmaking. 3rd map is still be...
I just got done testing 4 games. Gonna add screenshots and a flythrough video.
After leaving the Halo:Reach RPG project until we manage to get our crap together. I decided to work on a map pack. On March 5-6th I began to play...
Starting on March 6th, I will record youtube videos for new members and people who don't know how to enable pictures. Send a Message to Lil...
I noticed this today. I just got done playing BTB on Pardiso and I ended the game in 2nd Place with 31 Kills 17 Deaths. But apparently, I got 40...
Im planning to remake "Showdown" from call of duty 4 and also "Scrapyard" from Modern warfare 2. Should we combine the maps and make a Call of...
Are you guys just starting or, already done?
Sweet a bailout remake. Could you hit me up an invite sometime? -Lil Devil9597
Amazing, Humor and Action. And I thought Arby n The Chief could only get that far. Bravo! Voices are clear, Well written I may add.
Im in Edmonton as well. Yes, I know. I was trying out my ports for my server. But it didn't work.