ummm, while I was out the room one of my mates went on uumm, certain sites... cough, whaich I didnt know about untill my older sister confronted...
be funny if u could do weight- u could make yourself clinically obease making u invulnerable to splatters or summit lol
quality idea- im sick of pratically every1 wearing the Hayabusa armour- it makes u look perfetic and everyone thinks it looks good. Personally,...
Re: Global Warming: The Truth I would say i believed that global warming was caused by man- however i need to look up some of these - facts,...
Re: Global Warming: The Truth first things thirst- what products has our governments tried to make us buy in the past by saying that if we dont...
Re: Favorite Video Game Of All Time. metal gear was a ledge of a game in its day. story line was sweet and was brill considering it was a ps1...
whats the problem?
sounds like a cushdie plan - giv it a try- read interlocking objects with geo and other advanced techniques and you'll make a good map in no time
I remeber that part- quality film :) - its basically bunker assault with trenches right, not too sure if its v best part to recreate from the...
for the empty spaces you could make a small car park or summit - sounds simple but on this map car parks made from cages, fork lifts and a few...
what a ****in nuisance- I was looking forward to making a 4-way ctf.. ah well
Ive personally never played a ctf where there are more than 2 flags but ive got a map idea and just before I go ahead of myself you can do more...
I just looked at the table infront of me and saw - HPsauce, now thats a good companionship with bacon, sausages and everything else in a fry-up -...
consept sounds good, just make sure that the flag respawn time is long because if your putting your flag into the enemy base whilst "fighting the...
aahh now i see, is the zombie allowed to go out v same way?
It depends- give us more details- do u want v zombie to open it, do u want to be a premature barrier and how does this fit in with your game i.e...
depends, I havnt come across how u get credits/money but v problem with command and conquer is that rushin to get resource quickly is the key to...
eh, u got a box made with walls im guessin k, but grav on so no one can jump over / grenade jump - no grenades needed anyway- cant see what the...
nice, what are the weapon respawn times (if any weapon respawns at all)
see what you can do with either Osgiliath ruins- the part where v bad guys are attackin by boat and the defenders ambush them all (it could then...