You can always assassinate people no matter what. I just give immunity (and sometimes invisibility) to the player when they spawn and it usually...
Oh yeah, in version 2 make sure the second floor has multiple entry points so you don't have to go through the maze. I tried a game of it and it...
Just by looking at your heat map I can tell this will play well. It is a small map but it is open enough that the shotgun doesn't dominate....
Maulers? They are on your weapon list. They still work for camping.
This Map post does not meet the standards. Please read this topic on how to properly post maps. I am sure your map is good so please follow the...
Maps that have good posts and interlocking are worth a download. Maps that are cheat-proof are worth keeping. Good job guys!
pretty good job. I don't see interlocking, but it would hardly be useful anyways. You lined up your walls very good. Usually I just interlock them...
My only suggestion is to use the money glitch. If you don't have an inspired map next time, try to make it less boxy. I am really getting sick...
Wow, it's a good map but it really looks a lot like Bart's Manor. I mean a lot. Great job using the forge glitches, I'm sure it's worth a look...
From what I see, this is a sniper's dream. It is ridiculously open and from what I know of Aztec pyramids, they weren't like floating platforms...
Sorry man, I don't see interlocking which usually results in bumpy maps. In your next version I would try to interlock some of the bridges to get...
Woah, you might want to watch the double (or triple here) posts. It's illegal to bump up your thread here so just use the edit button. You can...
I still go through the whole hog and make a picture high def. And I wouldn't even recommend using thumbnails when posting a map, it makes everyone...
Grifball is fine if you have a team who knows how to play. I just played with a guy who would betray me everytime I had the ball and I didn't...
They didn't need to post the Foundry Canvas. Any 9 year old can clear Foundry. I did all of the canvas's by myself (except for isolation but I...
I know a map that had it. It was called FIFA Stadium 3 and it was in the minigames section. You can look for it if you wish. The trick was using...
I always have people who say that I'm an idiot and that "Maelstrom" is really pronounced "maelstorm" I mean wth; wtf is a maelstorm. When I used...
I like using a Famas and I decline any invites to join TDF competitively lol. Especially since he invited me the first day I got it... I hate the...
I can see much frustration on this map lol and from it being "short" I really don't want to (I'm close to 100). Good idea with the barriers...
If you run out of money and wanted to solve that (easiest to do at start of map) all you'd have to do is spawn ONE of every item and place them...