Rofl, your kidding right? Did you know that Forge Hub was on Bungie Favorites for 2 weeks?
Normally I think you would. You can survive by being in monitor mode (plus you have to probably stay in a certain area and not go too far...
Actually you may be able to destroy the grav lift if you placed a fusion coil close enough to it. The fusion coil would have to be halfway into...
Racetrack mapmakers prefer to use pallets to help push mongeese onto certain sections because it's easier than trying to interlock a bridge into...
The pics are working fine for me so I will give you a bit of a review. Understand that I have not downloaded the map because my Window's Live ID...
I don't understand what people are talking about. This map has plenty of cover on it, yet it is open enough to allow good angles for teamshooting....
Players do 0% damage, so it takes a longer time to blow up, though it still does. "My god, this may be the greatest invention since Grifball."...
*Blink blink* I'm confused at this post. This is a minigame, not a warm-up map (when have you ever seen those kind of maps featured?)....
You gotta get their voices in it too lol. I loved playing Cops and Robbers by the unofficial rules, but I don't know too many people who do....
Not bad, I just played a map very similar to this today, though the forging was no where near as good. If you wanted to stop the sniper from...
Ok, first of all, that is why there is generally a higher middle section in the MLG Foundry maps. It makes you a bigger target, but it gives you...
Sorry, just going to correct you. This forum is for discussing the forge, you want to use the Halo Forge Maps section for publishing maps. Make...
Wow, I actually thought that was a common method. I've been using it since about a month after Foundry came out, before I really forged often (I...
No, that is why you have to give us more pictures. The point of making a thread here is to convince us that this map is worth downloading, and...
That is a great montage. It's cool how fast these guys get multikills and awesome plays on playlists (I.E. Onslaught clips). And a killionaire...
Sorry, I still prefer onslaught. You have some ideas that would improve onslaught by a lot but I really hate what you did with the center: When...
Was this specifically set up for MLG? or do you just hate all the other weapons lol. The map is very, VERY smooth and you could easily play MLG...
lol I knew about the punching the ground (apparently a bruised knuckle is technically damaging yourself). I saw a video of a guy who tried to...
I think I tested this with you. I actually found it boring to run in a straight line over and over again. Kind of a griefing map. I also was...
Another thing is that the people who have forged infection maps (most of the halo crowd), have never really tried to make it original, but they...