I personally think you should use maulers for both of those, and then use a shotgun for the trench gun. Those are completely reversed, because the...
Evil, I always found that the object stays straighter if you did it one at a time. But either method would work. And also, if you are having...
Look at some of the maps that Bungie has. They are set up for every possible gametype. What Bungie does on a map is they use one starting spawn...
I had this problem with my clan's meeting room map when I made it. I have an aesthetic armory in it, and I deleted the "table" before deleting the...
I've been looking for a ToP map for a long time now. I was thinking about forging one, but had no way to go about it (as I didn't think of what...
Dude nice avatar. Did you get that one from me or did you actually get it from the rooster teeth site?
I saw this a while back and couldn't dl cause my hard drive was full. I completely forgot about it (after all, I don't play too much conquest),...
They do that in every video, Master. I've personally done my best to send them messages telling them the map creators. I even put up the links...
My friends and I always have a blast doing this. We do it just for fun too. Campaign runs can be really refreshing sometimes (when you aren't...
Okay, for the camo idea. It wouldn't work nearly as well as a different combo, invulnerability for 3-5 seconds, and have the player color change...
Really, aside from the weapon overload (consider getting rid of a few sets of spike grenades, 12 on a map of this side is quite a lot), I think...
Personally, I prefer spartans as my clan does GB and MLG, so spartans are required. We're both practicing for what the rules say, and we get...
Primary- BR Secondary- Sniper (I always rush sniper, on The Pit, I'll even rush OS and the other team's sniper, since they rarely go for it)....
Yeah, spike grenades explode in a cone shape, so most of them actually go up. As they can stick to walls, that's what they are used best for...
Just on a side note for the start, I always found it to be hilarious that Bungie would block all of the common spots that people would hide in,...
"What pic pack did you get your Str8 Rippin Gamerpic?" MLG on Xbox LIVE | Major League Gaming You can find all of the information you need at...
If you didn't notice, Cave Freaks has objectives you have to reach, and had it's own story line behind it. The only way to get all 10 objective...
Unfortunately I missed the chance to play this in the TGIF (as I got off too early). However, I read a few reviews on the gametypes and this one...
Ugh, sorry I would have tested last night, but I ran out of space and it didn't download the maps. I have to redo it all today (plenty of time,...
Thank you for doing it so quickly. It's very much appreciated, thank you.