I wonder if when you dropped the weapon it could fall off and stick another person? If that actually happened that would be Bungie Fav-Worthy...
You have a fair point there, The only way it would stick out from a players memory would if it was near exactly the original aswell as the other...
-2000 = User is BanHamm0red? +2000 = User is Smothered in EPIC Winsauce. Thats all ive got for now :/
Hey everybody , when i was brainstorming some ideas earlier today i though of a concept for a map but i dont know what to think about it. I was...
For the mythic map pack this year we're getting 3 maps but i dont know the 3rd one so ill tell you the first two, there are only Codenames only at...
its a good montage but the only small flaw is that its been done before , the first one was insane. The one on the bungie updates where they were...
FH has chosen Bungie Faves before, the two that come to mind that were on the faves were Sniper pit and Albatross Hill or Splatter Hill.
Id love to help my GT is About 6 Bushmen, Earlier i was thinking of a Guardian remake on Foundry , you know like a skin/atmosphere change aswell...
Hmm , try making some kind of covenant map that involves advanced techniques. that way you can become more talented with your work at the same...
Sweet , you'll know my GT when you see it.
The word Recon only spells trouble in my opinion , ANYONE who owns it gets attacked by other gamers whether in matchmaking or customs with spam...
hey blaze , do you mind if i have your XBL Gamertag because i have alot of if ideas and i was wondering if you could use some of that skill for...
Good aesthetics/playability for a first post , this is your first published map , right?
Why are you even here if you dont like Forgehub then? -rep. Aww for god sakes i fail , gave him +rep for saying FH sucks. Can a mod change that...
Lol +rep for that , the english accent made me laugh even though i actually am english lol...
Great job dude , I love the attention to detail from the original and the way youve made it compatible for all gametypes. Was your original map...
That would be like the most ironic thing ever if that actually happened. Anyways back on track , i think Obama ought to win. Even though im from...
Good movie , loved the one shot rocket overkill at the end. +rep
Im DL-ing just because youve created one of the greatest looking shacks ever. EPIC WIN.