I hate Bart's Manor with a passion, so much camping goes on at the roof with the turrets. There's no variety other than camping in the corner of...
Nice guide you made there but you forgot to review CoD:WaW which is one of the games of the season, and it plays in different aspects of WW2...
Fissure, Gridlocked (non-budget glitched.)and Industries should all be submitted, those are the first i think of since they aren't budget glitched...
If i hadn't read this in the paper the other day i would've believed it too ha ha.
No, by R-word he means recession :) but still itd be pretty funny to have the PM to have recon, Brown does seem to be pretty slow lol.
I'm not really bothered, ill come up with a sig later on as i have more important things to do.
I dont think it should be permanent just because of the 3 playlists, Team Snipers, Shotty Snipers and Sniper Hill and even then its 2 cause Hill...
I'd love to join, i used to be in the marvel map review but it just fell to pieces. I use good grammar, I'm polite and always nice to talk to, If...
I'd say flare, simply because they piss everyone off lawlz. Someone running at you with a shotty? simply blind their ass and run away/assassinate...
I dont think its that bad really to wait a year for a new halo really, Remember the long wait from halo 2 to the game we know today? Compared to...
He means sequences in the Campaign like beating Guilty Spark, making the jump into the Dawn or the destroying the Wraiths on The Storm and then...
So i have to wait 6-9 months until i can spend my pre-saved microsoft points? man that sucks, at the moment probably even people like me can run...
Its just generally bad, maybe they need to weight the gametypes with the maps so you if you should get Cold Storage theres a 20% chance of slayer...
IMO It does, how many incidents have you been when its a standoff on either side of the door? I've had millions, it may be me but that doesnt...
Boundless is epic i played SWAT Flag on it today and without the shield doors it triples the gameplay fun compared to snowbound. IMO, i think it...
At this moment in time I'll probably vote for CoD since it was a great all rounded game from the start but if you count DLC and Customer Service...
Halo 3 Modding sucks anyway lol, my friend showed me a few where all it was were movable guass turrets and parts of the scenery moved around...
Nothing's more epic than GH3 after you completed it for the first time with your guy on that huge podium playing in hell or wherever whilst...
Wow, that sucks. Ill probably buy the 1000 then since i want the mythic map pack as well so thats like 160 spare. Maybe they'll both be worth the...
Hey everybody, Since this weekend is a Double Exp Weekend on CoD infinity ward are offering 50% off on the map packs which means theyre only...