To be honest, this looks like a hell of a map. I like the look of the merged conveyor belt, mainly because it's different and I was also...
Everything looks good and looks like you thought this out to , I especially like the merged fence wall at the Default Sniper Spawn. I think one...
That one was boarding action, and it was so much fun :D
Juggernaut isnt hard to counter but the reason why everyone hates it is because only newer players tend to use it, with stopping power your...
Definitely CoD4, World at War has alot more multiplayer flaws and gripes about it. While CoD4 the only gripe was Juggernaut and Noobtubes but...
I downloaded the map and i thought that the Car and the Vault Jump idea there are good but Flippy is quite right, there are ALOT of remakes of...
It's a bit of a coincidence really but however, that's still pretty cool for Matty i guess.
I bought both L4D and FC2 together I must say that FC in the first stages of the campaign is rather annoying since there are quite a few...
Doesn't look too shabby to be honest, even if it is one of those hated fat kid maps. For improvements i think you should: Reduce the amount of...
"They have no shields at 50% damage resistance while humans have 110 damage modified." This map does excellent but the only only thing i'm...
I knew this was a definite feature right from the start, the switch works extremely well and the concept of teamwork needed here is very original...
Awesome. Also to stop lag and make maps more awesome it might be better to NOT include other items (more than the item limit of course or then...
I'm always on, just don't sign in much. I'm more of a reader than a poster :)
I don't know really, i feel as if it's just dominated by ghosts and wraiths when your on foot and when you actually get inside the wraith the lag...
With the Ipod Touch do you have to pay extras for Apps and Web service? because that is the only factor that affects me getting one since im...
Ouch, how much did those guitars cost you? bet that was quite a handful of money you had to part with there, that would make me cringe lol.
I'm guessing thats a downloadable song since i haven't seen that song before but that solo does look hard, since i play on the higher level hard...
I saw that map posted yesterday and i didn't post on it because i don't post regularly anymore but i must say that i didn't think it was really...
I watched the exclusive montage on the machinima youtube channel and it looks very promising, i may buy it when it becomes cheap as i'm running...
Seriously? If it does its gonna kick ass, i remember CoD4 Zombies on Showdown that was so much fun. Sadly i don't know if it is or not since i...