Haven't even hit hundred yet unless your talking about views. Anyway instead of posting new pictures, I will just wait for this map to be really...
Don't worry I'm updating the thread and I'll tell you how to post pics later. Anyway, I'll post this map in competitive as well with a few weapon...
Thanks updating post now.
Damn it! I wish I could be there to test.....stupid school...... Oh and I was wondering how you managed to finish it so fast. Its only been like 3...
Ok everyone, thanks for the constructive criticism. The map will be finished in due time and the post will be updated when we finish. However, the...
sure why not? You can send me a friend request when it is in the testing phase.
Wow. This has to be one of the most epic mini games Ive seen. The fact that you tested and built 9 maps around this gametype and that you used...
Ok, for the map that is going to be submitted to the contest, I will just have to improvise with objects (eg: using tin cups for floors, deleting...
When you say little town I suppose your talking about the tower? If so, then yes I had to cut back on resources. In fact, all I have left is about...
Did you read the post and the replies above yours? If not go read it NOW!!!!
Let me put it this way: The floor of the splazer spawn is green+the splazer is green = you can't see the splazer. Yeah I think that would be a...
Like I said its a work in progress.
What exactly do you mean by maze? Do you mean maze as in many twists and turns and hard to navigate maze, or do you mean like a puzzle maze? I...
Acsension remake: ASCENDING OPEN FOR TESTING Created by HunTedMeat & Co-forged by Pixie Dust This map has been in the making for quite a while...
I would really like to learn how to use GIMP 2.6.6 as I have no idea how to do this.I basically need someone to teach me the basics of using this...
Hi there good people of forgehub! As you can tell by the title, I'm looking for an experienced forger as my co-forger for the Forgotten Treasures...
Sorry, but no you can't. However, I think I have a solution for your VIP problem. You could make it so that the VIP has lower gravity and on top...
Wow. This sure is some complicated stuff you got here, huh? Considering all the problems with this, the only solution I can come up with is to...
Thanks dude! Thats awesome. No need for any changes, its perfect. Well, the the v2 looks perfect. The first one makes me seem kinda pathetic,lol.
I would want Elongation and Headlong back. Or at least some thing close to it. Maybe even a beaver creek remake while they're at it=)