Yes... You may suggest a bigger canvas. Alas, no. I am not going to. Small canvas' are my style and I believe I am good at them so I shall stay...
Made this from a picture I took. W/e I added a border and did a bunch of photo-correction (i.e. Fixed glare a bit, fixed colors, cropped a lot,...
@EpicFishFingers The "Clawed Guy" you refer to is Sabertooth. Wolverines future nemesis (If you've seen X-Men (#1 I think).
[IMG] Icy can has. Also there isn't a C4d. Its liquify.
I didn't use any C4d's.. It's white soft brush with the liquify tool.
I was gonna put this in 2v2 but Whales isn't responding so w/e. [IMG] Original: [spoiler]
Your sig seems contradictory... Fascism and Communism are complete opposites other than the fact that they are both socialist. Communism is power...
It's not that I was offended or anything... I just don't think he's good enough to be saying stuff like that. If Hells said that (Which he...
Haha... Ice you are so wise.
Yes... Obviously I am clueless when it comes to sig making. You sir, are an idiot. [IMG] The red is what you get when you oversharpen. Anyone...
What's up with the swirly BG's lately? The swirlyness really contrasts the flow and the colors aren't great. Sharpening is too much also.
Mine is named after a character my friend and I made up for a comic we wrote. Also Terrax the Tamer from Marvel is just beast as ****.
Although the morality of the bombing is often called into question it is much less discussed about the morality of the bombing of Pearl Harbour....
On the topic of Prescription Drugs I had a friend a couple years ago who would fake pain and depression so his doctor would prescribe Zoloft and...
I may have played Galaga on an arcade machine before Pokemon: Gold though... I'm not sure. I probably did though. Do old fashion arcade games...
I completely disagree with the above statement. I am not poor but not rich and I reject all forms of socialism. I believe that although some...
Yeah... Face is a tad oversharpened on the right. Also idk whether to look at the star or the face. I don't like having two focals. The star...
I prefer the colors in 3... You really do like BW-C don't you... You're good at it though so w/e. Keep on keepin on.