Haha... This isn't bad actually. I like V2 more but also... Is that the Diabeetus tiger? And yes... her left hand is backwards (Thumb is on the...
Top 10 missions: 10. Breaking Point (COD: WaW 9. All Ghillied UP (COD 4) 8. Tsavo Highway (Halo 3) 7. The Great Journey (Halo 2) 6 The...
Haha... I used to be really into DragonFable. I was at level 40 when I got out of it (Hightest at the time) I am an Amulet Holder and thought it...
Be funny... It's the best way to get people to want to be around you. Also don't be afraid to take the heat for something or make yourself the...
[IMG] Just cuz I saw it... The scan lines run onto her left (Our right) elbow... It looks weird and so you may want to change it.
*Sigh*... Necro posters... U belong in the OP.
1) Make it less violet... 2) The girl loses all hotness that she may have had when you make here washed our and almost vectored looking. 3) The...
Both: Bad blending... Colors are simply aweful. The contrast is way too high and the darkness is dreadful. Wtf is on Megan Fox's eye and...
It's perfect except for pedobear... He ruins it. great cloud effect on the words. Second line doesn't blend well but w/e. Still... I love the...
I personally think it sounds fun and it's legal in Michigan still. I'm probably gonna stop by my local voodoo shop tomorrow and see if they have...
Needs to be sharpened a bit on the gun and just a tad on the face. Other than that it's kinda vibrant for this type of sig but w/e. Still looks nice.
Hmmm... I must say this is surprising. I appreciate the inginuity that it took to put 2 pics together to make one. It is very good in that...
Although in Halo the parties seem to be a pest in most other games it isn't. I personally love parties because I usually play solo games and it's...
Good Job on your SOTW entry... It looks really good.
AIM: Lordterraxxii I have CS3 though... Idk. I think I have imageready though so I might just reinstall that.
That is not my area sadly... I use PS CS3 so idk... Still... Looks good and I already said stuff so w/e.
I finally beat it last night... Heart of the Reich was a ***** but I perservered... Woulda finished sooner but I went away for 4 days...
1) Get an animation program (i.e. Adobe ImageReady) 2) Go to Planet Renders v3 and get a sprite board 3) Put ur sprites on top of each other in...
I prefer V1... V2 is just harsh on the eyes. I'm also a fan of scanlines although i've never been able to do them... I guess it's a gimp thing...
Text = Epic Fail (Note the epic) V1 - text = best though I'm done w/ the math... Headache. Anyways... The sig blends nicely and I can...