I prefer V1 because the other stuff behind is just pretty cool. Looks really good though. Not digging the word itself (like how it looks......
Cool with me too..
^Agreed... And I don't have any adopted sigs to put in there as of yet so it wouldn't have been possible anyways. When's this gonna start anyways?
Here's a banner I made real quick: Works in all themes but made for FH Dark [IMG] Edit: Look at the enlarged version... It really...
I'll donate...
I appreciate the offer but I'd prefer to continue doing 2v2. I've just gotten used to it and when I wasn't the one doing it, it was very......
I'll talk to Linu about a sticky... I doubt it'll happen though. I have no way of deleting posts and it'd be a hassle for him.
Yeah you can vote... It's just that you can't vote for yourself is all. You guys are getting good reviews and votes so far so kudos.
The Fly Trap is not a trap. It's an easter egg. Here's a link on how to get it. YouTube - WTG Telixion Theory : Der Riese Video 3 : FLY TRAP...
Map pack 1 is ****... I wouldn't get it. Congrats now you need 1600 so go get a 20$ card and get online.
Another thing that may be useful to new people is that to get to the power 1) Face towards Pack a Punch machine. 2) Open door to your right. 3)...
I was gonna suggest that they post the original CnC thread with it.
I would like to direct your attention to your CnC giving thread and the So I was thinking... thread.
Okay... So does anyone else think its a good idea to make a contest where you enter something that you've previously made and you can't have...
Fraggy... WHo unbanned you? Seriously. GTFO.
I just hate when there's 45 views and 1 reply. I think we should form a social group of people who pledge to, no matter what, give CnC when they...
Synth is more original and the heart one doesn't have anything to it. Synth definetly.
[IMG] These too: [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]
Okay so this is my first sprite sig and I was just messin around. NO C4D's. [IMG] A bunch of different poses... Changed effects and BG a bit...
Where'd ya get the wizard?