Can we get a list of major changes? Oh, nevermind, it's just on tempest... Or... Are there any major changes?
I think part of Reach's Linear style comes from the invulnerable Teammate mechanic, because (this is just my own theory, I think it's true, but...
I just had white castle. Make one, and I will remember that trip forever. We luckily have 3 bathrooms, but saying that makes me sound rich, it's...
Yesterday I was eating dinner with my multi-cultured family, when it dawned on me, multiplayer design is incredibly similar to cooking. We were...
Labyrinth of the Destructaur I'm sure it's going to get featured soon, but this can't hurt.
Labyrinth of the Destructaur
Just for some more reassurance, it looks just like ODST.
Woah Woah Woah! if we had covenant pieces, just imaging the polygon count from all of the organic pieces! And an Undo button! You guys are all...
By far the most creative gametype I've ever seen, and the mechanics are still relatively simple for casual players! But I dont quite understand...
You could have it set to "INV WEAPON" and have something spawn later to block it from falling. But I think we'd need to see the map to help more,...
<3 Dead Space <3 This sig <3 you
I personally think that your names are clashing right now, because Vesuvius is so serious and the gametype FlagDash sounds more casual.
I skimmed through a couple pages and I think armor lock could be better balanced if it only worked for two seconds instead of 5, and if there was...
I believed the second poster thinking it was just an April fools joke, but it was an April fools gift, I love Bungie so much more for this!
Originally my Tetris started out with Three separate games inside of it, It had an Invasion gametype (Theme C) where it very closely resembled the...
I'd suggest another name, because Highrise made me think of a call of duty remake... But the map looks pretty solid otherwise, You don't see many...
Was this at all inspired be Gemini in Halo 2? Because I'm getting a major Gemini vibe from these pictures, I would love if you took some...
You can also save them from your recent games in action sack.
So the Armor ability will disappear when you hit the hill while it's on your back? That sounds useful for a couple of minigames...