well, it's true...
I know, I hope she wins
look up the "I lied" meme
I'm really tired...and I thought it said, $5000 forge contest... as in, real money...
Wow, I had no Idea glitches this cool could be done in reach!
What kind of name is Gala?
May I advise a different name? Ouroboros only makes me think of the enemy from RE5 I would call the map something less...Allusive? Maybe...
This is one of Lonely Island's better songs, IMO. I dont know what else to add to this post to make it non-spammy... I love his costumes?
He's just stating the opposite side to the opinion in the thread, It's not a special club where the only people that can join are the ones that...
I've been working on my Invasion map since October, I have over 100 different saves of my map and I'm still working on it. A map is done when it...
Man my last post sounds super gay, but I was typing on my Ipod touch, so I didnt feel like deleting it.
YOU ALMOST MADE ME LOOK UP YOUR number in the phonebook so I could talk to your parents and make sure we didn't lose a noble person in the world.
Just let me burst your bubble, Covenant themes don't work too well with Forerunner objects.
We've all played enough Call of Duty to be ready for a war.
Framerate holds up very well on this map, considering what is happening on it, It only rarely drops a notch but it never becomes unplayable.
Yesterday I played this with a group of 14 people and the first round was absolutely spectacular, but then after it switched sides, and people...
It easily could be your game, but he did say Humans so it might not be. But that's why I was asking him, it could be yours, or it could be...
Perhaps, who made it? what was it called?
Tabouli, These tea leave wrap thingys, Gyro, and all of the other foods we love but with lemons on them.