I've always compared button inputs in fighting games to aiming in fps games. Both take time to master and this skill transcends games in their...
I just played this map, and man, it is good! It's just...so...BEAUTIFUL! and it played flag slayer very, very well. The only problem was......
343 has announced that they are doing an update, and they have also addressed that armor lock, bloom, and the melee system need tweaking. And the...
The Ideal Halo Reach for me... -Give the option for bloom, on or off, if possible, the amount of it. -Give the ability to change how effective...
near rockys
Finally! It took you like what? 3 years to post this map? Well this map is great and I hope it gets into Match-making some day! Except I still...
An element of darkness requires control over something you cant easily control. It's almost impossible to get the right level of darkness compared...
Think of it like this, everything and anything can be a goal, the hill markers just aren't visible in custom games.
Is it 6.0 units wide? or is it .6 units wide? because from my experience a zone with a size of 1.1 usually does the trick at stopping players...
I hope it's just a setting that people will have to build their maps, games around. I think that would solve the most problems, then people...
Imagine a sniper without bloom! You could kill anyone anywhere in 0 frames! that would be the most overpowered gun ever!
Imagine the AR!
That sounds like an awesome movie, but a bad Halo map.
Im so pissed at the entire ****ing world, and that's why i sound like a douche!!!
I would say that physically they are equal, because Spartans are smaller targets and only very slightly slower.
I would not advise giving Elites Spartan weapons, unless it is very obvious as to why they have them. Elites usually have an equivalent in every...
Then I guess I'm late in this discovery as well... Thanks!
This made me smile in my computer desk. But they're really just expanding a different branch, not decreasing competitive gamers numbers.
Are we talking about things we want in an update? Or the fact that they announced an update? Because this is just another Bitching thread now......
One more thing, and this slips by me much too frequently, is that the receiver needs to be set to allow that vehicle as well... It's almost too...