When I saw the spirit my first thought was... "The top one is a helicopter, but the second one... is that supposed to be modern art? It looks...
Oops, guess I was too late...
Thanks for the comment about my map, but your post was still under the rules of "spam" It's great to know that people love my map, but I suggest...
you need to make more sense.
1. How are jump pads made? dunno, probably a guide for it somewhere. 2. What is the secret to creating a map that not only looks good but...
Nintendo sixty-four!!!!!!!!!!
HALO 3: Get Better Fast: MLG Battle Rifle Mythbusters "Four - Shotting" Part 1 - YouTube
The Rocks are only a minor problem compared to what it takes to fix them, in order to fix the rocks, I either need more kill barriers, or more...
Be sure to not waste any money on unnecessary decorative object, and especially on buildings, budget needs to be stretched in invasion. If you...
Wow, this map looks incredible, It definitly doesn't look like a map from a guy who I've never seen here before. I love that incline ramp thing...
I like the big circle a lot, and I mean a lot a lot, but I cannot predict how those Banshees are going to play...I assume it's going to be...
aww you're flattering me...
Enjoy yourself here, remember to follow the rules, and if my friends list is open, send me a friend request. If it's not, send me a message and...
This post may take a while to load, and if you're on a mobile device, sorry, I have a lot of mondo pictures....
<3 you
<3 fllr.
Wow, this preview doesn't look like it came from a guy with only one post. This looks actually really good, just make sure the map doesnt get too...
Sorry fir yelling at you for shutting up yesterday, I was just trying to say it quick, and it came out as rude.