sounds like a cool idea, could the odst start with jetpacks either through game settings or pickup so they can cushion their fall, this would...
glad you fixed it :)
from my understanding of spawn areas, my first guess would be that you maybe have a neutral non-game specific (or FFA only) respawn zone around...
hi Avianion, I'm no reviewer, but i've added your map to my download list and will reply to your map thread with my thoughts when I can, keep...
thanks for the great feedback Neoshadow, would love to know which gametypes you played on the map, I am particularly interested on how people find...
Thanks Mabolsa, very kind comments. I'm glad you like the use of the grid too, I would love to hear what you think of gameplay :)
I would like to be able to set custom power-ups to have an infinite duration, this way I can spawn one team so they always get a power-up on spawn...
I would like finer control on co-ordinates and angles in 'edit co-ordinates', another decimal place would be nice, maybe holding down a trigger...
In Vitro is a symmetrical map, designed for CTF, Assault, Team Slayer, KOTH, Stockpile and Territories, but it also supports Invasion and Safe...
I suppose it depends on your definition of whisper quiet, but my new slim model is considerably quieter than my xbox elite, my guess is that you...
Though I haven't tested it, i'm pretty sure invasion is limited to a maximum of 12 players, I read somewhere that Bungie considered this the...
regarding cycling through spawn locations on respawn, you can choose a spawn location depending on the phase you are in, and the fireteam you are...
You are right about the labelling of fireteams firedrone, I think I got that wrong, they are 0,1 and 2, rather than 1,2 and 3, any value above 2...
I think Skorpius is correct, I've loaded a map only to find an earlier version of it, very annoying. What seems to work for me is changing to a...
I wasn't sure what sub-forum to put this in, so I thought casual was maybe the most suitable. This is a tutorial map of sorts, for the Invasion...
it's my nickname, someone had pablo already so I went with pab1o, it wasn't inspired by fatal1ty (am I showing my age now?!).
Thinking of making a quake 3 map, maybe qdm6, fast weapon spawning as in quake 3, everyone gets sprint to approximate the fast movement, maybe...
Thanks for the warm welcome Insane54, a new member committee is a great idea, I will keep my eyes peeled :) [edit] btw, I see you authored the...
sorry, I missed that bit out! I will edit the main post, but here goes: The attacking team are all on mongooses, one is the bomb carrier. They...
Please use the Resurrection map in conjunction with the Resurrection game type. Overview Two teams, turn based bomb game (one bomb), score as...