If you get a long enough cable you probably could. But don't buy a cheap one. get a good one so you wont notice that slight lag. Wish i could LAN...
I found it easier than Cod4. I only played it on hardened but beat it in 6 hours.
I'm planning on making a TGIF party and seems like it's working out alright. Of course this isn't official yet or confirmed but it seems like we...
What he said. The only thing good switches are for with xbox's is LANing multiple xbox's.
Get a router, and just get another Ethernet chord. Plug your computer into the modem and xbox into the router. Thats how mine is and Ethernet is...
It changes the way you play alot. The taking up screen is to balance it because you do get to see where others are. The way you play will become...
What he said. But, only you can move the sentry turrents around though. But care packages anyone, even teammates and enemies can get them.
Thats what im worried about, limited customization that nights will become repetitive to quickly. But we'll see what happens.
Something goo you can do with that is unleash all your streaks at once.
You start with UAV, care package and predator missile until level 10. Once at level 10 you can unlock a new killstreak and every 5 levels i think...
EPIC KILLSTREAKS: 3kills-UAV- The same as COD4. This is what ill be rollin with. 4kills-Care package- Drops a care package with ammo fill or a...
You know how there is different host. As in different TGIF groups. We could just have a MW2 group.
lol thats two things about my profile pictures. It was when i was actually active in SCFN. Im was just too lazy to change it back to something...
If i get support Sarge i would be more than happy to run a TGIF group, if your cool with that? I was thinking, how they have HALO groups/hosts...
Theres alot more than COD4. Ill go through the list and explain some. Just the ones ive used. And the reason why some unlock so late, i dont...
yeah like i said in my OP. Im just gonna wait a day or two see if some people actually like the idea of it and give some support then ill approach...
Well i was thinking of some social things we can get the forgehub community involved in and i though of MW2. I was thinking we could hold a...
Na, you can unlock everything on prestige 1. The other prestiges unlock call signs and the prestige icons. I think at higher prestiges there are...
yeah, they are badass though. And when you kill someone the killcam follows the knives like the grenades. Lol campaign only. You only get the...
The throwing knives suck. Eh do them just for challenges but they are bad in all situation and the hit detection sucks. The higher level the...