Have you seen the credits to the Str8 rippin montage? They combine/edit all the maps sort of into one sequence, but is very two dimensional. I was...
Only on friends, dicks on live, people who tbag me first, when i own someone or people who are just being jerks. Most of the time ill just melee...
Well i get of work in roughly 6 hours, so once i get home ill get working on it. Ill see if i can get a hectic logo, see what i can do for...
Ill give a go at the logo but im not amazing at logos. So its fine to go with someone else and ill still do an intro for you. Seriously i dont...
Funnily enough i am actually doing logos right now for work experience. Ill give it a go for you when i get home in a few hours. Also if you...
I spelt the title wrong, sorry. This is all a conspiracy to remove you from existence. So far my dogs going well. He's sleeping inside and...
Ive finished and i really enjoyed this one compared to the first. It is way less repetetive and i there is almost no missions exactly alike. The...
Um, i live in Australia and some tvs in Aus can run NTSC and PAL. All my games are PAL except BF Bad company is NTSC and it works fine. Just to...
The first was pretty funny. Ooozinator ROFL Second one just made me remember i had that toy. The third one made me ****ing ROFLMAO.
I miss COD4..... MW2 just felt like a new COD4 that quickly died. I still enjoy COD4 MP better.
Thx for the help a heap guys. I just had a huge breakdown in the shower and it really made me think. Like you've all said why am i beating myself...
Well today ive been quite worried about my dog and has an unatural growth. It has not been confirmed what it is, but im really becoming stressed...
I think of them as a bit more roboty and technological for their time. Like if you look at all their architecture and what things they made it...
It's when someone gets a payback. Pay as in money, thus money coming out of them. Its like a small little detail thing. I think its cool IW did...
How is MP too easy? I agree with the Favela level though.
I just remembered some. I think Pyro is shoot enemy equipment, i think maybe 5. I got it after i shot someones C4 lol. And some guy on xbox live...
I have all of them but i have no clue how i got them. I think the Get to the choppa was from shooting down choppers. I think the companion cube...
Rollin with ACR and holo sights. Secondary: Stinger Perk1:Scavanger. (im always staying alive for long times.) Perk2:Stopping power Perk3:Steady...
OMG i just got the ACR and im like instantly owning for some reason. The first game i played with it i got 48 kills. I'm really proud of myself...
It means it is a two for one. The one product has a modem and router.