Np at all. Thx for that thought. You never know could have helped ssomeone else viewing the thread.
I'm fine with all the editing. I'm quite experienced. I use AAE cs3 and Sony Vegas too. To be honest AE wasn't that complex when i began using...
I already know how bad this software is from seeing some youtube videos lol. Im editing with after effects. Thx for the help. Really helped me...
Mum asked what i would like for xmas and i told her a capture card. Seeing as though my old one is broken and only records sound. I told her i'd...
style: Emo/scene shirt: Really just any T i like the design and colours of. pants: Normally black or matte coloured jeans. hat: I never ever...
Oh look its already 3:30 am no Tuesday. :D Well im off school 2 weeks earlier than everyone else so i spent my awesome monday sleeping in till...
Ive play traditional most of my life but have recently been subliminally creeping to claw. Even though i play bumper jumper on halo. It is...
Name: ****YOUIW Primary Weapon: Ak-74u Attachment: Naked Sidearm/Secondary: deagle Attachment: none Special Grenade: stun Perk 1: 3 frag Perk 2:...
Yeah, i was going to combine what SRC did and some 3d environment stuff just to show you for an example, but everything i find is extremely hard...
We don't celebrate thanksgiving in Australia. You go and enjoy your happy little American holiday >.>
This logo is getting epicer by the minute. Ive tried for the past two days to find some decent overviews/fly through of maps just so i can show...
he's srs. We all voted for melt. His logo is now in the montage. Srs face :|
I can't remember what it is exactly, but i think you have to call in X number of stealth bombers. Check the barracks >kill streaks section. I...
**** OMG. Hectic, use that. Every other graphix is now crap compared to this. This logo is EPIC.
MA 1 and 2 both sucked. They just ruined the mechwarrrior series. They were both just dull and boring and seemed like they were made to use the MW...
The font is ITC Avante Garde Gothic. One of my fav.
A logo i actually like: It's very simplistic and i don't think it's what your looking for but i wish to show you anyways. [IMG]...
EDIT: I now hate them, that is the worst logo ive ever done. I quickly made these in a few mins, what i would use for 3d environs. BTW nice job...
Yeah ill do it first thing when i get home. Ill just upload it to youtube, itll be low quality so it can actually render and upload by tonight tho.
When i get home today, ill see if i can just find some bungie rendered videos to use as an example just to show you what i think, until i get some...