I'm writing a 2D non-linear RPG. It's in C with Allegro if anyone cares to know. I'm new to allegro, so I'm looking for someone who can answer my...
Overused and overrated, yet reliable: Roxio.
Out of curiosity, who runs this place? Every time I see an Admin I think "Oh, they must be the one who pays for hosting/domain and wrote the...
Hi. Your name is Amber. My name is Prosper. We will never be friends. Idle chat is useless. Have a nice day!
I got mono, and I've been on a work trip without kissing my wife in a week and a half. Getting mono without kissing a chick is like a much less...
Ha, that's great. Well, I remember when my dad tried buying his first computer. The only thing he was missing was the computer, he actually...
Those are EV's, and every four EV points = 1 stat point.
Honestly, unless it's a move you want, 50 should be fine for "finished training," because you'd be able to max out EV's by level 20 if you raise...
This might work, but it depends on what OS and type of the program. If the program is an alternate bit format (32 bit program on 64bit OS)...
Anyone here ever try working with IV's? For EV's, you can max them out pretty evenly with 10 of a vitamin in every stat, then one HP up. IV's I...
1) I meant preset transtions like the keyhole opener 2) Cameras with moving parts record sound, but even loude they record the sound of the...
I've just recently gotten the hang of video editing, about five months ago. I've been doing for years though. I got my hands on an academic copy...
I want to stress though that it isn't relationships of a two week length I was writing about, it was months and months of a relationship, someone...